How's Huntly?
Back in 2018, people responded to fourteen questions to answer, How’s Huntly?
The results created the Room to Thrive strategy aiming to make Huntly a thriving town for all. Since then, a lot has been going on to deliver improvements in the town, but the pandemic has also had a big impact and changed people’s priorities.
Three years since the launch of the Room to Thrive strategy, we’ve asked once again....How’s Huntly? Here are the results in 2021.
Survey Results
How’s Huntly? asked people to give a rating on 14 different areas of life and activity in the town. 221 responded and the average ratings on a scale between 1 (lots to improve) and 7 (it’s great) are shown in the How’s Huntly? Results report. The same survey was conducted in 2018 and has been followed up in November 2021, post-covid. The responses will be used to review the Room to Thrive strategy and action plan in the coming weeks.
221 responses received to 14 questions rating life in Huntly on a scale from 1 (lots to improve) to 7 (it’s great)
Place Standard 2021
The below diagram shows a summary of the results across each of the fourteen areas on a scale between 1 and 7. The closer to the centre of the diagram, the lower a score has been received meaning the more negatively it is perceived. Further detail on each topic is shown in the full report.
Comparison between 2018 and 2021 results
Comparing this year’s survey results to the results taken in 2018, the majority of themes have overall the same or very similar ratings, with similar reasoning behind the responses. There are a few differences with positive and some negative changes seen to be taking place in the town between the years, most of which are due to the effects of COVID-19. This is represented visually on the graphic below.

Click each question to see a breakdown of results
1. Can I easily walk and cycle around Huntly?
2. Does Huntly's public transport meet my needs?
3. In Huntly, do traffic and parking arrangements allow people to move around safely?
4. Do the streets and public spaces of Huntly create an attractive place that is easy to navigate?
5. Can I experience good-quality natural spaces in Huntly?
6. Can I access a range of places for play and recreation in Huntly?
7. Does Huntly have the things that I need to live and enjoy life? For example, this could include shops, schools, libraries, health services or places to eat and drink.
8. Does Huntly have an active local economy with good-quality work opportunities?
9. Do the homes in Huntly meet the needs of the community?
10. Is there a range of spaces and opportunities to meet people in Huntly?
11. Does Huntly have a positive identity and do I feel I belong to it?
12. Do I feel safe in Huntly?
13. Are Huntly's buildings and public spaces well cared for?
14. Do I feel able to take part in decisions and help change things for the better?